diff options
authorSergey Nazaryev <>2016-05-16 13:51:57 +0000
committerSergey Nazaryev <>2016-05-16 13:51:57 +0000
commit12e6c17bda6c0245ef50157f7fd55afbd692f2d4 (patch)
parentb773e91c55a2a5183931c3a7642ecf84e3720022 (diff)
Removed unused parts from lab2&3
6 files changed, 192 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/bank_robbery.c b/bank_robbery.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 03bbbbf..0000000
--- a/bank_robbery.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * @file bank_robbery.c
- * @Author Michael Kosyakov and Evgeniy Ivanov (
- * @date March, 2014
- * @brief Toy implementation of bank_robbery(), don't do it in real life ;)
- *
- * Students must not modify this file!
- */
-#include "banking.h"
-void bank_robbery(void * parent_data, local_id max_id)
- for (int i = 1; i < max_id; ++i) {
- transfer(parent_data, i, i + 1, i);
- }
- if (max_id > 1) {
- transfer(parent_data, max_id, 1, 1);
- }
diff --git a/banking.c b/banking.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ae96ea..0000000
--- a/banking.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-#include "banking.h"
-#include "ipc.h"
-#include "dist.h"
-#include "lamport.h"
-void transfer(void * parent_data, local_id src, local_id dst, balance_t amount)
- my_info_t *me = (my_info_t *) parent_data;
- if( me->dist_info == NULL )
- return;
- TransferOrder order = {
- .s_src = src,
- .s_dst = dst,
- .s_amount = amount
- };
- lamport_increase( &gl_lamport_time );
- Message msg = {
- .s_header = {
- .s_magic = MESSAGE_MAGIC,
- .s_payload_len = sizeof( order ),
- .s_type = TRANSFER,
- .s_local_time = get_lamport_time()
- }
- };
- memcpy( msg.s_payload, &order, sizeof( order ) );
- send( me, src, &msg );
- if( !receive( me, dst, &msg ) ) {
- lamport_message_handler( &gl_lamport_time, msg.s_header.s_local_time );
- if( msg.s_header.s_type != ACK )
- return;
- }
- return;
diff --git a/banking.h b/banking.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d4e51b3..0000000
--- a/banking.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- * @file banking.h
- * @Author Michael Kosyakov and Evgeniy Ivanov (
- * @date March, 2014
- * @brief Definitions of data structures and functions related to banking
- *
- * Students must not modify this file!
- */
-#include "ipc.h"
-typedef int16_t balance_t;
- * 1. "Main process" sends TransferOrder to process with id=s_src.
- * 2. s_src decreases its balance by s_amount and sends TransferOrder to s_dst.
- * 3. s_dst increases its balance by s_amount.
- * 4. s_dst sends ACK to "main process".
- */
-typedef struct {
- local_id s_src; ///< transfer from process with this ID
- local_id s_dst; ///< transfer to process with this ID
- balance_t s_amount; ///< $$$
-} __attribute__((packed)) TransferOrder;
-typedef struct {
- balance_t s_balance;
- timestamp_t s_time; ///< physical time in PA2 or Lamport's scalar
- ///< time in PA3
- balance_t s_balance_pending_in; ///< $$$ sent at t <= s_time, but
- ///< received at t > s_time. PA3 only,
- ///< in other labs must be 0
-} __attribute__((packed)) BalanceState;
-enum {
- MAX_T = 255 ///< max possible value of timestamp returned by get_lamport_time()
- ///< or get_physical_time()
- * Describes balance state of process with id=s_id at each time t >= 0
- * and t < s_history_len
- */
-typedef struct {
- local_id s_id;
- uint8_t s_history_len;
- BalanceState s_history[MAX_T + 1]; ///< Must be used as a buffer, unused
- ///< part of array shouldn't be transfered
-} __attribute__((packed)) BalanceHistory;
- * Should contain balance histories of all processes in the distributed system
- * except parrent process.
- */
-typedef struct {
- uint8_t s_history_len; ///< should be equal to the number of children
- BalanceHistory s_history[MAX_PROCESS_ID + 1];
-} AllHistory;
-// Functions below must be implemented by students
-/** Transfer amount from src to dst.
- *
- * @param parent_data Any data structure implemented by students to perform I/O
- */
-void transfer(void * parent_data, local_id src, local_id dst, balance_t amount);
-// Functions below are implemented by lector, test implementations are
-// provided to students for testing purposes
-/** Perform a number of transfers between various children with ids [1;max_id]
- *
- * @param parent_data Any data structure implemented by students to perform I/O,
- * will be passed to transfer()
- * @param max_id max id of existing process, so that (max_id + 1) is the total
- * number of processes
- */
-void bank_robbery(void * parent_data, local_id max_id);
- * Returs the value of Lamport's clock.
- */
-timestamp_t get_lamport_time();
-/** Returns physical time.
- *
- * Emulates physical clock (for each process).
- */
-timestamp_t get_physical_time();
-/** Pretty print for BalanceHistories.
- *
- */
-void print_history(const AllHistory * history);
diff --git a/cs.c b/cs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddc4b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#include "pa2345.h"
+#include "queue.h"
+#include "dist.h"
+#include "lamport.h"
+// TODO: remove global variable
+queue_t q = {
+ .front = NULL,
+ .rear = NULL
+int request_cs(const void * self) {
+ my_info_t *me = (my_info_t *) self;
+ //fprintf( stderr, "REQUEST_CS: Process %d sent message\n", me->id );
+ node_t *a;
+ int replied = 0;
+ int msg_author = 0;
+ lamport_increase( &gl_lamport_time );
+ Message msg = {
+ .s_header = {
+ .s_magic = MESSAGE_MAGIC,
+ .s_payload_len = 0,
+ .s_type = CS_REQUEST,
+ .s_local_time = get_lamport_time()
+ }
+ };
+ send_multicast( me, &msg );
+ //fprintf( stderr, "ENQUEUE: Process %d adding to queue\n", me->id );
+ enqueue( &q, me->id, get_lamport_time() );
+ while( replied < (me->dist_info->workers - 1) || ((a = front(&q)) && a->id != me->id )) {
+ //fprintf( stderr, "\n\n\nIN CYCLE: Process %d\n (replied = %d, workers = %d)\n\n\n", me->id, replied, me->dist_info->workers-1 );
+ if( !receive_any( me, &msg ) ) {
+ //fprintf( stderr, "RECEIVE_ANY: Process %d\n", me->id );
+ lamport_message_handler( &gl_lamport_time, msg.s_header.s_local_time );
+ msg_author = me->msg_author;
+ switch( msg.s_header.s_type ) {
+ case CS_REQUEST:
+ //fprintf( stderr, "CS_REQUEST: Process %d received message from %d\n", me->id, msg_author );
+ enqueue( &q, msg_author, msg.s_header.s_local_time );
+ lamport_increase( &gl_lamport_time );
+ msg.s_header.s_type = CS_REPLY;
+ msg.s_header.s_local_time = get_lamport_time();
+ send( me, msg_author, &msg );
+ break;
+ case CS_REPLY:
+ //fprintf( stderr, "\n\n CS_REPLY: Process %d received message from %d\n \n\n", me->id, msg_author );
+ replied++;
+ break;
+ case CS_RELEASE:
+ //fprintf( stderr, "CS_RELEASE: Process %d received message from %d\n", me->id, msg_author );
+ dequeue( &q );
+ break;
+ case DONE:
+ //fprintf( stderr, "DONE: Process %d received message from %d\n", me->id, msg_author );
+ me->dist_info->workers--;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int release_cs(const void * self) {
+ my_info_t *me = (my_info_t *) self;
+ dequeue( &q );
+ lamport_increase( &gl_lamport_time );
+ Message msg = {
+ .s_header = {
+ .s_magic = MESSAGE_MAGIC,
+ .s_payload_len = 0,
+ .s_type = CS_RELEASE,
+ .s_local_time = get_lamport_time()
+ }
+ };
+ send_multicast( me, &msg );
+ return 0;
diff --git a/queue.c b/queue.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7869103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/queue.c
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "queue.h"
+void enqueue(queue_t *q, local_id id, timestamp_t time) {
+ if( q == NULL )
+ return;
+ node_t *node = (node_t *) malloc(sizeof(*node));
+ node->id = id;
+ node->time = time;
+ node->next = NULL;
+ if(q->front == NULL && q->rear == NULL){
+ q->front = q->rear = node;
+ return;
+ }
+ node_t *current = q->front;
+ node_t *previous = NULL;
+ while(current != NULL) {
+ if( current->time > time ||
+ ( current->time == time && id < current->id ) ) {
+ node->next = current;
+ if( previous )
+ previous->next = node;
+ if( current == q->front )
+ q->front = node;
+ node = NULL;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ previous = current;
+ current = current->next;
+ }
+ }
+ if( node ) {
+ q->rear->next = node;
+ q->rear = node;
+ node = NULL;
+ }
+void dequeue(queue_t *q) {
+ struct Node* temp = q->front;
+ if(q->front == NULL)
+ return;
+ if(q->front == q->rear)
+ q->front = q->rear = NULL;
+ else
+ q->front = q->front->next;
+ free(temp);
+node_t *front(queue_t *q) {
+ if( q == NULL )
+ return NULL;
+ return q->front;
+queue_t *queue() {
+ queue_t *q = (queue_t*) malloc(sizeof(*q));
+ if( q == NULL )
+ return NULL;
+ q->front = NULL;
+ q->rear = NULL;
+ return q;
+void free_queue(queue_t *q) {
+ if( q == NULL )
+ return;
+ struct Node* temp = q->front;
+ while(temp != NULL) {
+ temp = temp->next;
+ free(temp);
+ }
+ free(q);
diff --git a/queue.h b/queue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52cc579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/queue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include "ipc.h"
+typedef struct Node {
+ local_id id;
+ timestamp_t time;
+ struct Node* next;
+} node_t;
+typedef struct Queue {
+ struct Node* front;
+ struct Node* rear;
+} queue_t;
+void dequeue(queue_t *q);
+void enqueue(queue_t *q, local_id id, timestamp_t time);
+node_t *front(queue_t *q);